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Mugwort Seeds (Artemisia vulgaris)

Mugwort Seeds (Artemisia vulgaris)


Mugwort Seeds (Artemisia vulgaris)

A truly dreamy medicinal herbaceous perennial, Mugwort has long been associated with the moon, magic and enhancing dreams ( oneirogenic ). One of the 9 sacred herbs of the ancient celts, fresh Mugwort was often put into the soles of shoes during long journeys to relieve pain.​ (We've tried this and it does work!)​Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture dried Mugwort is burned to increase Qi (energy) within the body. Also very useful in anxiety, insomnia and heavy/painful menstruation.​​

Family: Asteraceae​
Medicinal Actions: Oneirogenic, Anthelmintic, Diaphoretic, Emmenagogue, Nervine​Planting: Direct seed in Fall or Spring, easy to propagate from cuttings.

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